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By Your Trading Mentor

Trading Angel

Learning to trade the financial markets can take time and effort, but there are some ways to speed up the process:

1. Take a Course: There are many online courses and training programs available that can teach you the basics of trading and provide you with practical skills. These courses may cover topics such as technical analysis, fundamental analysis, risk management, and trading psychology.

Finding a good forex trading course that’s right for you can be a daunting task. Here are some tips to help you find a course that fits your needs:

 Identify Your Learning Style: Before choosing a course, think about your preferred learning style. Do you prefer to learn through video tutorials, live webinars, or written materials? Knowing your learning style can help you identify a course that fits your preferences.

 Check the Course Content: Look for a course that covers the fundamentals of forex trading, including technical analysis, fundamental analysis, risk management, and trading psychology. Make sure the course provides practical examples and exercises that allow you to apply what you’ve learned.

 Research the Course Provider: Do some research on the course provider to ensure they are reputable and have a track record of delivering quality education. Check online reviews and testimonials from other students to get a sense of their experiences.

 Check the Instructor’s Credentials: Look for a course taught by an experienced forex trader or educator with a track record of success. Check their credentials, such as their trading experience, education, and any certifications or awards they have received.

 Consider the Cost: Forex trading courses can vary in price, so consider your budget when choosing a course. While a higher price does not necessarily mean better quality, it’s important to invest in a course that provides value for your money.

 Look for Additional Resources: A good forex trading course should provide additional resources such as trading tools, support forums, and ongoing education. These resources can help you continue to develop your skills and stay up-to-date with market trends.

By considering these factors, you can find a forex trading course that is right for you and provides the education and support you need to become a successful forex trader.

2. Read Books: Reading books by experienced traders and financial experts can provide valuable insights into trading strategies and market behaviour. Some recommended books include “Trading in the Zone” by Mark Douglas, “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham, and “Reminiscences of a Stock Operator” by Edwin Lefevre.

Picking good books to help you learn how to trade the financial markets can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you find books that are right for you:

 Focus on Your Goals: Consider your goals for trading and what you want to achieve. Do you want to learn about a specific trading strategy or a particular market? Knowing your goals can help you narrow down your book choices.

 Check the Author’s Credentials: Look for books written by authors who are experienced traders or financial experts with a track record of success. Check their credentials, such as their trading experience, education, and any certifications or awards they have received.

 Look for Practical Examples: Look for books that provide practical examples and case studies that show how trading strategies work in real market conditions. This can help you apply what you’ve learned to your own trading.

 Read Reviews: Check online reviews and testimonials from other readers to get a sense of their experiences with the book. Look for reviews from readers who have similar goals and experience levels to you.

 Consider the Publication Date: The financial markets are constantly evolving, so consider the publication date of the book. Look for books that have been updated recently to ensure the information is relevant to current market conditions.

 Check the Table of Contents: Look at the table of contents to see if the book covers the topics you are interested in. Make sure the book provides a comprehensive overview of the subject and is not too technical or advanced for your level of understanding.

By considering these factors, you can find books that are informative, engaging, and relevant to your trading goals and experience level.

3. Practice with a Demo Account: Many brokers offer demo accounts that allow you to practice trading with virtual money in real market conditions. This can be a useful way to test out different trading strategies and get a feel for the markets before risking your own capital.

Practicing day trading on a demo account can be a valuable way to test out different trading strategies and get a feel for the markets before risking your own capital. Here are some tips for making the most of your demo account:

 Treat Your Demo Account Like a Real Account: To get the most out of your demo account, treat it as if it were a real account with your own money on the line. Practice good risk management principles, such as setting stop-loss orders and limiting your position sizes.

 Use Realistic Trading Conditions: Set up your demo account to mirror the real trading conditions you plan to trade with when you start using a live account. This includes setting the same account balance, leverage, and trading platform settings.

 Test Different Trading Strategies: Use your demo account to test out different trading strategies and techniques. Try out different technical indicators, chart patterns, and trading styles to see what works best for you.

 Keep a Trading Journal: Keep a trading journal to record your trades, the reasoning behind your decisions, and the outcomes. This can help you identify patterns in your trading and areas where you need to improve.

 Focus on Your Trading Psychology: Day trading can be stressful, so use your demo account to practice managing your emotions and maintaining discipline. Set realistic goals, stick to your trading plan, and learn to control your emotions.

 Get Feedback: Use online trading communities or forums to get feedback on your trades and learn from other traders. Share your trades and ask for feedback on areas where you can improve your strategy and trading skills.

By following these tips, you can use your demo account to practice day trading in a realistic and disciplined manner, and develop the skills and confidence you need to succeed in the markets.

4. Join Trading Communities: Joining online communities or trading forums can provide access to a wealth of information and insights from experienced traders. These communities can help you stay up-to-date with market news and trends, and provide support and guidance as you develop your trading skills.

There are several ways to find a good day trading community to join:

 Research online: Use search engines to find online day trading communities. Look for communities that have active discussions, experienced traders, and a positive atmosphere. Some popular day trading communities include TradingView, StockTwits, and Reddit’s r/DayTrading.

 Attend trading events: Attend trading events, seminars, and conferences to network with other traders and find a community that you resonate with. You can find these events online or through local trading organisations.

 Join social media groups: Join social media groups that focus on day trading. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter all have groups dedicated to trading. Joining these groups can help you connect with other traders and learn from their experiences.

 Ask for recommendations: Reach out to other traders you know and ask for recommendations for a good day trading community. They may be able to recommend a community they have found helpful and engaging.

When evaluating a day trading community, look for one that provides valuable information, has active discussion forums, and is supportive and encouraging. It is also important to ensure that the community aligns with your trading goals and strategies.

5. Seek Mentorship: Finding a mentor who is an experienced trader can be a valuable way to accelerate your learning. A mentor can offer personalised guidance and feedback, and help you identify areas where you need to improve your trading skills.

Finding a good forex trading mentor in the UK can be a challenge, but here are some steps you can take to increase your chances of finding a suitable mentor:

 Research online: Use search engines and online trading forums to find forex trading mentors in the UK. Look for mentors who have a strong track record of successful trading and positive reviews from their clients.

 Attend trading events: Attend trading events, seminars, and conferences in the UK to network with other traders and potentially find a mentor. Many experienced traders often attend these events, and you may be able to connect with someone who can help you.

 Join trading groups: Join trading groups in the UK that focus on forex trading. These groups may have experienced traders who are willing to provide guidance and mentorship.

 Check professional associations: Check professional associations such as the UK Society of Technical Analysts or the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment for their directory of members. You may find a mentor who is a member of these organisations.

 Ask for referrals: Reach out to other traders or friends in the UK who may know of a good forex trading mentor. They may be able to refer you to someone they have worked with before.

When evaluating a forex trading mentor, look for someone who has a proven track record of successful trading, has a teaching style that aligns with your learning preferences, and is willing to invest time and effort in your development as a trader. It’s also important to ensure that you have a good rapport with your mentor and that they are someone you can trust and communicate with effectively.

Until next time, Happy Trading,

Love From Your Trading Mentor,

Trading Angel x

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By your Trading Mentor

Trading Angel

If you are brand new to trading and you have no idea where to even begin learning how to trade, here are the first things which you will want to consider to start trading in 2023.


There are four main styles of trading and many markets to chose from, so it might seem overwhelming to decide what kind of trader you are going to be to start off with if you don’t know much about trading. However the decision may actually be easier than you think as it will often be determined by your circumstances which are already in place. For example, if you are working a full time job where you can’t look at your phone during the day and will only have the option to study the markets in the evening, then there is no way you can be a scalp trader looking at set ups on the New York Open.

Here is a breakdown on the different types of trader, often new traders will opt for trading on smaller time frames as it means they can take on less risk per trade, but as mentioned before, while you are learning, you may not have much option as your current job and circumstances will determine which kind of trader you’ll need to start off being.


Scalp trading is the quickest form of trading the financial markets. This means that traders are only really looking for small moves and will open and close their trades very quickly, often within the hour and sometimes only for a matter of minutes. Scalp traders will often use high leverage to make the most in the small fluctuations in price and will be looking for precise entries on small times frames at high volatility times including London Open, New York Open or big news events such as NPF.


Day trading is believed to be the most common form of trading forex and the stock market. This is when traders open and close their positions within the day, closing any trades before going to be in the evening. Sometimes this involves holding trades for one hour but often it is for a few hours. Day traders will often trade on time frames such as the 4H chart but will sometimes drop to smaller times frames such as the 15M for an exact entry and will often use the 1D chart to gauge long term momentum. Day traders will often use leverage on their trades to make the sometimes small daily fluctuations in the financial markets more profitable. For day traders timing is really key and they will often utilise key times of the day to maximise their profits such as session open times when there is often more volatility in the markets


Swing trading is a slightly longer form of trading where traders will hold their trades for at least one night and sometimes for weeks. Swing traders are aiming to make the most in the swings in the market, which are essentially the longer trends which take place. Often swing traders will look for entries on the 4h chart but will also be using 1D and 1W in their technical analysis. Swing traders will also be really interested in big news events which set the semi long term direction of trends, such as interest rates decisions, CPI or NFP.


Position trading is the longest form of trading, these traders will be looking at high times frames and wont be too interested in the small fluctuations in price. These traders wont necessarily need as much leverage as they are really interested in the very long term trend of the market and will be happy to hold their position for weeks, months and even years. Position traders may be interested in fundamental factors such as how the countries economy is doing long term, political parties in power can have an impact, as well as fiscal policy.

As mentioned above, the type of trader you decide to be will tend to depend on your current circumstances and how you can fit your trading education and practice in and around your current job. For newer traders, day trading or scalp trading the London open before work can provide a sustainable solution.


Once you have decided what type of trader you are going to be you will also want to decide what market you are going be trading. Some countries also have different restrictions so you’ll have to work with what you have in the country you are living in. And you’ll also want to opt for trading markets which are relatively easy to trade with low spreads. This means markets which are popular to trade rather than any exotic markets, the more a market is traded, often the lower the spread which is the commission your broker takes per trade.

For example, if you were to be a forex trader I would suggest looking at the currency pair EURUSD to focus on as this is the most commonly traded and has a very low spread compared to a pair such as NZDCAD.

Forex (foreign exchange) trading is often considered to be one of the more complicated markets to trade so some will advise starting on forex so that it will all be easier following on from there. However some will advise starting with markets which are a little more straightforward. Personally I began on forex trading and then found some luck trading commodities such as coffee and cocoa, I then moved onto indices which are my current preference although I still trade all of the above as well as the occasional crypto currency and stock. I do think single focusing, especially when you are new is really helpful. Pick a market and attempt to be a specialist in it. While it doesn’t matter too much which one you pick, if possible opt for one where you would be genuinely interested to research on the different factors which affect supply and demand as you will need to do a lot of this and also likely will need to develop a checklist of fundamental factors to check each day before placing any trade.

PICK A BROKER, ANY BROKER (not that one..)

Picking a good broker is key to success as a trader as you’ll first of all want to know that your money is actually safe, but also that you aren’t going to be charged huge amounts of money to place each trade. Especially if you are going to be a scalp trader it’s really important to make sure you keep spreads tight. There are other reasons why being selective with your broker is important. You’ll want to know key details like how often are you able to withdraw your profits? Will you be charged for withdrawing you profits? And who can you contact if anything goes wrong? Is the platform easy and straightforward to use?

Which broker you chose to go with will largely depend on which country you are in as each country has their own restrictions and limitations. If you are in the UK like me then I would suggest going with a broker who is FSCS protected which means that if anything goes wrong with the broker, your money will be protected up to £85,000. I also prefer to use the platform MetaTrader5 to place my trades on my phone. Most brokers will have the option to connect to MT5 which means you only have to get used to trading on that one platform. Some brokers have their own apps but my experience with these in the past have been that they are not as user friendly as MetaTrader.

I recommend the broker TioMarkets – you can sign up here using this link:



No! There is no need to fork out huge amounts for expensive trading platform. I’ve used a free platform called TradingView since the very first day I started trading and it is more then enough for my technical analysis. There are paid versions of TradingView if you decide that you want more options and even these are affordable. I pay something like £11 a month for the Pro version. You can also trial the Pro version for free for a month and see if you think it will be worth paying the extra for. You can use this link for the free trial (just remember to cancel before the month is up if you don’t want to carry on with the subscription)



There are many options to learn the basics to get you started. When I first started learning how to trade I read loads of trading books and played around with small lots sizes, although admittedly this was the very long way around things. I also watched a lot of YouTube videos which were very helpful and the best thing is YouTube is FREE!!

Here is a FREE trading course video I made for complete beginners to help kickstart their trading journey:

You can also go down the mentorship route which is one of the quickest and easiest ways to learn how to trade, although it is often not the cheapest. Firstly, what is a forex trading mentor? A mentor is anyone who is closer to where you want to be then you are at the moment. Or they are exactly where you want to be. A trading mentor can be someone with just a couple years more experience than you, or someone with many more years of experience. Ultimately, getting a mentor in any area is really one of the greatest life hacks there is. Having a good mentor is excellent leverage getting to the next stage in your career. Some careers are so difficult to climb that it’s almost impossible to do without a mentor. And most of the time it’s just easier and quicker to succeed if you do have a mentor. Getting mentorship can save you a lot of time and money in trial and error and fast track you straight to learning the proven strategies which have worked for another trader. Spaces are limited for Trading Angel’s Mentorship programme, however, each month as existing traders feel confident enough to trade on their own, new spaces open up. You can apply for the Trading Angel mentorship program wait list by using the contact form on the website


You will be taught a minimum of four trading strategies by your forex trading mentor in the programme.  If you are more experienced or a quick learner then there is the option to learn more. The four main strategies are trend trading, reversal trading, momentum trading and breakout trading. These are the four strategies which your trading mentor uses each day when looking for trade setups herself. Each trading strategy comes with a set of instructions following the Trading Angel Stages Of A Trade guide and these will be emailed to you in a printable format after your trading class. Each strategy also comes with a printable checklist to help new traders so they can physically tick off the stages as they go through them and keep a record of the trades they have placed and why.

Alternatively Trading Angel also has an online course which is available.

This is great for those who like to learn by watching videos and go at their own pace. Members of Trading Angel Academy will have lifetime access to all the videos, printouts, updates and strategies just like those who go with the 1-2-1 mentor option, but they have the ability of going as fast or as slow as they like whilst having the luxury of re-watching the videos as many times as needed. Academy members will also get bonuses such as priority to attend live trading sessions where they will have access to ask their trading mentor any questions they like, and discounts on 1-2-1 mentor sessions. You can sign up to Trading Angel Academy here:


And, until next time Happy Trading

Love From, Your Trading Mentor,

Trading Angel x 

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