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And How To Build A Good One

By Your Trading Mentor,

Trading Angel


A trading plan is a written set of rules and guidelines that a trader follows when making trades in the financial markets. The purpose of a trading plan is to provide a clear and structured approach to trading that takes into account a trader’s goals, risk tolerance, and overall strategy.

A typical trading plan will include the following elements:

1. Trading goals: A clear statement of what the trader aims to achieve from trading, such as a target profit level or a certain number of successful trades.

2. Risk management: A plan for managing risk that includes setting stop-loss and take-profit levels and determining the maximum amount of capital that can be put at risk in any one trade.

3. Trading strategy: A set of rules for identifying potential trading opportunities and entering and exiting trades, based on technical or fundamental analysis, or a combination of both.

4. Trading journal: A record of all trades made, including the reasons for the trade, the entry and exit points, and the outcome.

5. Review and evaluation: A plan for regularly reviewing and evaluating the trading plan to identify areas for improvement and to ensure that the plan remains aligned with the trader’s goals and risk tolerance.

A trading plan is an essential tool for any trader, as it provides a framework for making informed trading decisions and helps to minimise the impact of emotions on trading. By following a trading plan, traders can increase their chances of success and achieve their trading goals over the long term.

What is the difference between a trading plan and a trading strategy?

A trading plan and a trading strategy are related concepts, but they are not the same thing.

A trading plan is a comprehensive, written document that outlines a trader’s approach to the market. It covers all aspects of trading, including risk management, trading goals, and evaluation criteria. A trading plan is a long-term document that provides guidance and structure for a trader’s overall approach to trading.

On the other hand, a trading strategy is a specific set of rules and guidelines that a trader uses to make individual trading decisions. A trading strategy may be based on technical analysis, fundamental analysis, or a combination of both. It is more focused than a trading plan and is designed to provide a framework for making individual trading decisions.

To sum up, a trading plan is a comprehensive document that provides guidance and structure for a trader’s overall approach to trading, while a trading strategy is a specific set of rules and guidelines that a trader uses to make individual trading decisions within the framework of the trading plan.

Why is it important to have a trading plan?

1. Provides structure: A trading plan provides structure and a clear set of guidelines for making trading decisions. This helps traders to avoid impulsive or emotional decisions and to stick to a consistent approach to trading.

2. Helps manage risk: A trading plan includes risk management strategies that help traders to limit their losses and protect their capital. This can help to ensure that traders don’t blow their entire account on a single bad trade.

3. Defines trading goals: A trading plan helps traders to identify their trading goals and to develop a plan for achieving them. This can help to keep traders motivated and focused on their long-term objectives.

4. Improves consistency: By following a trading plan, traders can improve their consistency in trading, which can lead to better results over time.

5. Facilitates evaluation: A trading plan provides a framework for evaluating trading performance and making adjustments as needed. This helps traders to identify areas for improvement and to refine their approach to trading over time.

Overall, having a trading plan is an essential tool for any trader, as it provides a clear and structured approach to trading that can help to minimise risk and improve results over the long term.

What are the consequences of not having a trading plan?

Not having a trading plan can lead to a number of negative consequences for traders, including:

1. Poor risk management: Without a trading plan, traders may be more likely to take on excessive risk, such as placing trades that are larger than their account size can handle or failing to use stop-loss orders to limit losses.

2. Emotional trading: Without a trading plan, traders may be more likely to make impulsive or emotional trading decisions based on fear or greed. This can lead to poor performance and erratic trading results.

3. Lack of consistency: Without a trading plan, traders may lack consistency in their approach to trading, which can make it difficult to evaluate their performance over time and to identify areas for improvement.

4. Inability to achieve trading goals: Without a clear plan for achieving their trading goals, traders may struggle to make progress towards their objectives, which can lead to frustration and discouragement.

5. Missed opportunities: Without a trading plan, traders may miss out on potential trading opportunities or fail to take advantage of favourable market conditions.

In summary, not having a trading plan can lead to poor risk management, emotional trading decisions, lack of consistency, inability to achieve trading goals, missed opportunities, and ultimately, poor trading performance. It is therefore essential for traders to have a well-defined trading plan in place that they can follow consistently.

What are the key elements of a good trading plan?

A good trading plan should include the following key elements:

1. Trading goals: A clear statement of what the trader aims to achieve from trading, such as a target profit level or a certain number of successful trades.

2. Risk management: A plan for managing risk that includes setting stop-loss and take-profit levels and determining the maximum amount of capital that can be put at risk in any one trade.

3. Trading strategy: A set of rules for identifying potential trading opportunities and entering and exiting trades, based on technical or fundamental analysis, or a combination of both.

4. Trading journal: A record of all trades made, including the reasons for the trade, the entry and exit points, and the outcome.

5. Review and evaluation: A plan for regularly reviewing and evaluating the trading plan to identify areas for improvement and to ensure that the plan remains aligned with the trader’s goals and risk tolerance.

6. Market analysis: A plan for analysing the market, including the use of technical and fundamental analysis tools, to identify potential trading opportunities.

7. Trading rules: A set of rules for making trading decisions, including criteria for entering and exiting trades, risk management guidelines, and rules for managing trades once they are open.

8. Trading psychology: A plan for managing emotions and maintaining discipline when trading, including strategies for dealing with fear, greed, and other emotions that can impact trading performance.

Overall, a good trading plan should be comprehensive, flexible, and adaptable to changing market conditions. It should provide clear guidelines for making trading decisions, while also allowing for some degree of discretion and creativity in responding to market dynamics. By following a well-defined trading plan, traders can increase their chances of success and achieve their trading goals over the long term.

How do I create a trading plan which is suited to my trading style?

Creating a trading plan that is suited to your trading style involves several key steps:

1. Determine your trading style: Before creating a trading plan, it is important to understand your trading style. Do you prefer short-term or long-term trades? Are you a day trader or a swing trader? Do you prefer technical analysis or fundamental analysis? Understanding your trading style will help you develop a plan that is tailored to your strengths and preferences.

2. Define your goals: What do you want to achieve with your trading? Do you want to generate income, build long-term wealth, or simply gain experience? Defining your goals is important in determining the appropriate trading strategy and risk management techniques.

3. Develop a trading strategy: Based on your trading style and goals, you should develop a trading strategy that outlines your entry and exit points, position sizing, and risk management techniques. Your strategy should be based on a thorough analysis of the market and your trading style.

4. Set risk management parameters: Risk management is crucial to successful trading. You should define your risk tolerance and set stop loss orders to limit your losses. You should also determine your position sizing based on your risk tolerance and the size of your trading account.

5. Monitor and adjust your plan: Once you have developed a trading plan, you should monitor your performance and adjust your plan as needed. This may involve modifying your strategy based on changing market conditions or adjusting your risk management parameters based on your performance.

Overall, creating a trading plan that is suited to your trading style requires careful analysis and planning. By defining your goals, developing a trading strategy, and implementing effective risk management techniques, you can increase your chances of success in the markets.


Working with a trading mentor can be helpful in creating a good trading plan. A mentor can provide guidance and insight based on their own experience and expertise, which can be invaluable in developing a plan that is tailored to your trading style and goals.

A good trading mentor can help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses as a trader, and provide feedback on your trading plan, including your trading strategy, risk management techniques, and overall approach to the markets. They can also help you to identify potential pitfalls and provide advice on how to avoid them.

However, it is important to choose a mentor who is experienced and knowledgeable in the specific market or trading style that you are interested in. You should also ensure that the mentor’s trading philosophy and approach aligns with your own goals and preferences.

Ultimately, while a trading mentor can be helpful in creating a good trading plan, it is important to remember that your success as a trader ultimately depends on your own abilities, discipline, and commitment to your trading plan.

Until next time, Happy Trading! 

Love From, Your Trading Mentor,

Trading Angel x 

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